Who am I really to suggest a major political action? Truth is, I’m just a guy who sometimes works in show biz. But I’ll tell you, I’d love to pitch an idea to Nancy Pelosi. Could this be the biggest political sequel of all time? I present for you:
Impeachment II – The Wrath of Kahn(gress)
Dear Speaker Pelosi,
I’m a lifelong Democrat who works in the Film and Television business, and have I got a pitch for you! Impeachment – The Sequel. Yes, I know this has its risks, a lot of people didn’t really like the first one. But this one has everything: Tear gas! Mounted Police! Angry clergy people! Rubber bullets!??
The short version? You impeach Trump’s ass again for improper use of the Military for attacking the protesters in Lafayette Square. The Ukraine scandal was nothing compared to this. There’s tons of action: Trump using the military on American citizens? Now that’ll get butts in the seats.
And the kicker? Regardless of what the Senate does, Trump becomes history’s first twice-impeached President. So audiences— I mean registered voters, are pretty much guaranteed to watch a historic first! Warning, I think this will make the President very mad.
Your republican colleagues were shameful in the plot twists they were willing to introduce last time, but you gotta give ‘em one thing, they didn’t seem to underestimate their public. Ultimately, making the story seem too complicated, foreign, and boring (and they said that one out loud), they managed to make a perfectly good story get an “unripe” on Rotten Tomatoes.
But this takes place on American soil. This could literally be any city in America. We’ve got to make it clear to our viewers that these are the tear-gassed pepper-sprayed protesters that could be you!
Much better casting for witnesses on this blockbuster: Mayor Bower? Bishop Marian Budde? You think Doug Collins might try to bully her while she’s on the stand? That won’t look good. Isn’t he running for Senate? I think we have journalists who were at the scene. They communicate really well to audiences, don’t they? And then the Main Event, Mad Dog Mattis. You think Jim Jordan’s going to try to yell him down?
And video? We got video! Big exciting action video! Soldiers! Explosions! Maybe Wolf Blitzer gets footage from everyone who was there with a cell phone and makes a 3-D Panorama of the whole event.
I’m having trouble with the ending though. I’m sure Senate Republicans will have the last chance at a rewrite, and presumably, they’ll want it to end exactly like the original. I don’t see that working quite the same though. This is a far more egregious abuse of power. Not so easy to laugh off and go the trial without witnesses route. With Mitt joining the march, and Lisa Murkowski showing signs of a backbone, will other Republicans be willing to step off the line? Maybe. Could serve as a pretty wild twist ending!
And might I make one more suggestion? Last time, Democrats’ catch phrase to Republicans was to “follow your heart” “Do the right thing.” Clearly, that’s didn’t resonate as well as it should. Instead, what if Democrats went more Machiavellian, and more challenging? What if the slogan at the trial were: “What if you did?” What if Republicans just stopped supporting this loser Trump? What if they agreed that he was hurting more than helping? What if there would be no reason to be scared of him, if they just removed him? What if everybody grew a spine at once? That might be stretching the Visual Effects budget, but it’d be worth it.
Sure, the ending may wind up similar to the first one, but it could have some significantly different context. Maybe, just maybe some of our cast won’t survive to make it to any future installments. But then again, let’s hope there aren’t any future installments.
Hit me up when you can, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Devon Greene